Friday, March 27, 2015

Pratt / Munson Williams Proctor Institute: Ruby Ann Muñoz, Kaitlin Graves, Louise Bourgeois, Andy Warhol & More, March 27 2015

A show of artworks by Pratt students, a visit to MWPI's magnificent facility and an encounter with a giant cyborg death spider. Read on.

Ruby Ann Muñoz, and that ain't bad.

Ruby Ann Muñoz

Ruby Ann Muñoz

Ruby Ann Muñoz

The muti-talented Ruby Ann Muñoz, visual artist/dancer/musician whom I know via her collaborations with performance artist Catherine Wright, and the two of them will be enacting a living art work at our next Tech Garden show in April. Expect to hear more!


I believe we are seeing one each from the four artists in the show, not sure about the order ... but they are Hoa Ton, Ruby Ann Muñoz, Kaitlin Graves and Matthew Clark. And my apologies if the two gentlemen were there and we were not introduced. Nobody ever introduces me to anyone ... Used to bum me out until Tim Rand explained people figure I already know everyone by now.

Left to right: Matthew Clark, Kaitlin Graves, and Hoa Ton. They've been busy! and I seriously enjoyed seeing this exhibit.

Kaitlin Graves, and I do believe that is Kurt Cobain ... Legend has it they found King Crimson's "Red" album on his CD changer, a good choice if I might say. Been listening to them all winter.

Kaitlin Graves

Artist Kaitlin Graves with her two incredible drawings from the main gallery room, the upper suggesting a remarkable awareness of value and line which made me realize for the second time in as many days that I'm not spending enough time painting. Good art leads to more art! Had to say hello after that, and Kaitlin told me she's interested in a career as an art therapist. Great things await.


Matthew Clark, was grooving to the one at bottom.

Hoa Ton, and that ain't bad at all bro.

Matthew Clark

Matthew Clark

Art Goddesses, with an offering of cookie and faith.

My Utica homie Jenna North then suggested we go over to the main museum space to see what our pal Beth Post was up to in conjunction with a social evening complete with music, food, a poetry reading, and MWPI's world class collection of art. Why not.

"Abandoned Art Sale"

Artist and Pratt instructor Beth Post, churning out the quick portraits of attendees.

Utica scene artists Beth Post and Jenna North.

Was trying to cage a nice shot of the band in front of that Jackson Pollock before bidding my adieus when that black form at top left caught my attention ...


Louise Bourgeois, and that is close to rivaling the coolest things I've ever seen. I love the meathook at lower right  <3

Louise Bourgeois

Examining how the piece was fixed so marvelously to the wall. Taking notes, you see. 

Louise Bourgeois

A show of Hudson River School painters currently on display, worth a look. 

Andy Warhol

Like "Ho-Hole"

Andy Warhol, and I wanted to see how the screen process had amassed pigment on the surface.

Andy Warhol

This caught my eye from across the balcony and I couldn't help but wonder if that was a big old Friedel Dzubas painting, recalling the show at the SAG Gallery at the Golden plant from last fall.


Friedel Dzubas

Friedel Dzubas


Before leaving Jenna urged me to go back upstairs to see an installation of photographic works by Hamilton College instructor Robert Knight and I'm glad I listened. This is about the creepiest art photography I've ever had chance to see.

Robert Knight, and yeah. I dig ghost pix.

Robert Knight

Robert Knight

Robert Knight

Robert Knight

Robert Knight


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