Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Drone Zone, Summer 2012, Syracuse NY

If you live in the east side Syracuse/Dewitt/Eastwood area it has been more or less impossible not to notice the increased presence of aircraft over the city as of late. Make no mistake: This is the USAF flight testing the MQ-9 Reaper drone over our homes, which I don't have a problem with so long as they stay up there.

Here's my running video log of the events I've been able to get on camera, beginning with a very startling low-level flyby of a military aircraft on May 5th while out on a stroll along East Colvin St. in my university area neighborhood. I started paying attention then and these flybys happen daily, they are cool as all hell & this playlist has a compilation of clips I managed to film. Your tax dollars at work!


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