Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reclaiming The Greens Fest Mural! Downtown Utica NY, October 9, 2012


Tuesday resulted in a successful venture to a surprisingly sunny Utica NY with artist Esperanza Tielbaard Pazmiño to reclaim the mural I'd painted at the Utica Greens Fest on September 15. To her credit Esperanza insisted on helping, not even realizing what sort of a task lay ahead which I'd tried my best not to involve anyone else in just to spare them the chaos. Very glad that I let her help me.

I had no idea what lay in store, only that representatives from the Downtown Utica Development Association had requested I include the mural in their Art In Windows program. The aim of which is to place artwork in business windows in downtown Utica to enhance quality of life. As the mural had been a creation of the vibe I'd gotten from Utica as well as made there it made sense, and all I knew was that by hook or by crook that mural would be shown.

Artist Tony Thompson with his trusty rechargeable drill in front of the mural surface at Lincoln Park in Utica -- Tony and two other artists had painted murals on the flipside of the surfaces we had done on September 15, and offered to let me swap mine with a fresh board of the same material & size.

That's me at the far right. Next to it is painter Nate West's mural, and we're going back for that in November after Tony paints a Halloween mural for the skate park on the other side.

Getting physical ... We are still unsure how I lifted it over my head like that but it happened. 
My Incredible Hulk moment perhaps.

Reunited!! Syracuse painter Steve Nyland & his mural, with Utica based artist Tony Thompson and assistant from the Skate Plaza crew. Mucho obliged, Gentlemen!

And bingo, the work on display in the APAC Building, 131 Bleecker Street in downtown Utica. My dad the Ralphster even came to bat for me with a splendid little swing leg attached to the mural which stood it up perfectly. Two other variations on the motif sit to the right, but come Monday I am donating some of the space to Syracuse based artist Nate West, who had been eager to take part in this program as well.

The Varrick Street mural as seen from the outside. Also known as "Under The Sky" after a song which had been stuck in my head all that week by Giles, Giles, and Fripp (an early form of the band which became King Crimson), or simply #2 as it was the second variation on this particular motif.

The two smaller pieces I brought along, respectively known as #3 (at left) and #5 (on the right). I'll have to come up with titles by Sunday night as these two are for public sale, the mural itself is private collection material for the time being.

So there we have it.  I might try thinking of a way to get #4 there up off the ground a bit but was thankful for the help from Mike the APAC Building Super for helping jerry-rig a method to prop it up (and for his patience with two schedule pressed artists who had no idea just what to expect). 

Under the Sky again on the way home, my first ride as passenger on a Utica art jaunt. And that's the lesson for the day -- Let people help you when they offer up a good idea. Utica, Hamilton and Syracuse are all batting 1000 for me on that front, keep 'em coming!

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